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Reminders and events for this week! (October 2nd-October 6th)

Happy Sunday!

Just wanted to take a moment to share with you a few reminders and upcoming events happening in 2nd grade this week:

NO SPELLING THIS WEEK!: There will be NO spelling this week. We will be wrapping up Superkids Unit 2 before Fall Break and reviewing what we have been learning. Enjoy the week off of spelling!

Sight Word Books: The kids received their sight word books on Friday. These books are intended to help your child work on the sight words they can not yet read with automaticity. Please make sure to practice these words with your child at home. They will be tested on their books every other week and will receive stickers when they pass each list. These words appear the most in literature and the better your child knows them, the better reader they will become! Sight word books need to stay in your student's BOBCAT binders. If they are misplaced, students have been warned that they will have to use their Bobcat Bucks to buy a new one from me. THESE BOOKS NEED TO COME TO SCHOOL AND GO HOME DAILY. There will be times in class students can study them as well. Please support your child in practicing and being accountable with their sight word books. Thank you to Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Smith for getting all the kids tested!

Reading Logs Due Monday: Many students have already turned in their September Reading Logs. If they have not yet, please make sure your child has their completed reading log for September ready for me tomorrow. October Logs will go home tomorrow! Keep in mind, reading logs are a big part of your child's work habits grade, which brings me to my next point...

Homework Expectations: Mrs. Oldham has asked the teachers to kindly remind parents that homework (extended learning) is not optional. Please help support your child in being accountable in doing their homework and turing it in the next day. The kids know to turn in their homework first thing in the morning in my class. They also know that if homework is not turned in, they will be expected to do it during Fun Friday, unless the assignment is needed for an activity in class that day. Then, I have the students complete their work during their time, which is unfortunately recess time. As a whole, I am very proud with how accountable our class has been! Most kids have consistently turned in completed homework! I just wanted to remind you all that it is an expectation to check your child's nightly planner (all homework is written there) and make sure they are taking their time, doing their best work, and completing/turning in their assignments on time. I really appreciate it! If there is a reason why your child comes to school without their homework done, please send a note in to explain why so I don't count it against their work habits grade. Much thanks!

Field Trip Forms: If you have not turned in your child's permission slip for our November 1st, Cave of the Winds trip, please try to have it in by this Friday (October 6th).

Book Bags: Book Bags have been made and are ready to come home! Thank you Stephanie and David Way! Expect them to be in your child's backpack tomorrow. These book bags have several books for your child to read at home. The books in this bag are at or a little above your child's reading level. Once your child has finished reading them, please send them back and new books will be provided! I encourage you to have your kiddo read them several times for fluency practice, unless it is a chapter book. :-) Please make sure these books are treated with respect and are returned to the school when you are done with them. They are a great choice for your child's nightly reading!

Class Store: Shout out to Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Altman for running our first successful class store! The kids were so excited! If you would still like to donate for the class store, please send items or money in with your child. Even $5 helps! Thank you to all of you that have already donated!

On a final note, because this class is so amazingly awesome, the kids have already filled up our class warm fuzzie jar! They decided as a reward, that they wanted a PJ, popcorn, movie, stuffed animal party! That being said, your child will be able to wear pajamas and bring one stuffed animal or pillow on Friday, October 6th. I will be supplying popcorn :-) So proud of them! I will send out a reminder later this week.

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I know it was long. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Fall Break is in a week! Lets finish strong!!!!

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